{ "app": { "hello": "Hello World!" }, "PUBLIC": { "SITE_URL": "https://www.mdirector.com/en/", "REDIRECTION_URL": "https://www.mdirector.com/en/update-your-browser", "FIRSTSTEP": { "TITLE": "Start enjoying you free account", "TEXT1": "Fill in the form in only 30 seconds! No credit card, no obligation.", "LBL_SHOW": "Show", "LBL_HIDE": "Hide", "LBL_NAME": "Name", "LBL_SURENAME": "Last Name", "LBL_COMPANY": "Company", "LBL_PHONE": "Phone", "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email address", "LBL_MDIRECTOR_LOGIN": "Create account", "LBL_LEGAL_CONDITIONS": "I accept MDirector's privacy policy and cookies policy .", "LBL_LEGAL_CONDITIONS2": "I accept MDirector's Terms and Conditions of Service .", "LBL_THANKS": "Thank you for registering.", "LBL_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Already have an MDirector account?", "LBL_SUCCESS1": "Check out your inbox. You have an Email!", "LBL_SUCCESS2": "(it can take a few minutes to arrive).
Activate your account by clicking on the button. After that you will be left with just one more step to finish you registration.", "LBL_ERROR": "It has not been not possible to complete your registration :(", "LBL_WELCOME_MESSAGE": "We have been waiting for you :-)", "LBL_EMAIL_TO_ENTER": "(to Access MDirector)", "LBL_SELECT_A_PROVINCE": "Select your state", "LBL_USER_PASSWORD": "Password", "LBL_USER_REPIT_PASSWORD": "Repeat your password" }, "FORGET": { "LBL_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD": "Have you forgotten your password?", "LBL_FORGOT_NOT_VALID_EMAIL": "We were not able to find an account associated with __email__. Please enter the email address you used to register.", "LBL_ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL": "Enter your email address. We will send you a link to change your password.", "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email address", "BTN_GET_NEW_PASSWORD": "Recover password", "LBL_YOU_REMEMBER_PASSWORD": "Do you remember your password?", "LBL_NOT_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account?", "LBL_START_FREE_ACCOUNT": "Start your free trial", "LBL_CHECK_YOUR_MAIL": "Help is on the way, check your email address.", "TXT_MAIL_SEND_1": "You will receive an email to your registered address", "TXT_MAIL_SEND_2": "that will allow you to reset your password quickly and easily.", "TXT_CHECK_SPAM": "If you do not receive the instructions within 10 minutes, check that you have entered the correct email address and check your spam folder.", "TXT_PHONE_CONTACT": "If you still haven't received the message, please reach out to us.", "LBL_PHONE_CONTACT": "+34 91 414 91 94", "LBL_CLOSE": "Close" }, "RESET_PASSWORD": { "LBL_CHOOSE_NEW_PASSWORD": "Choose your new password to access MDirector", "LBL_WRITE_NEW_PASSWORD": "Write your password", "LBL_REPIT_NEW_PASSWORD": "Repeat your new password", "BTN_CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password", "LBL_NOT_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account?", "LBL_START_FREE_ACCOUNT": "Start your free trial", "LBL_CHANGE_SUCCESS": "Great! Your password has been changed successfully!", "LBL_CHANGE_ERROR": "We are sorry but your password could not be changed.
Try to remember or try again later :)", "LBL_NOT_AVAILABLE": "The user ID is not valid", "LBL_GO_TO_MDIRECTOR": "Enter in MDirector", "LBL_FORCE_PASSWORD": "Your password is expired. Please enter a new one to access into MDirector. " }, "ACTIVATION": { "LBL_WAIT": "We are setting your account!
In a few seconds you will be redirected to", "LBL_SUCCESS": "Your account has been successfully activated.", "LBL_SUCCESS_TEXT1": "Soon you will be redirected to", "LBL_ERROR": "It has not been possible to complete your registration.", "LBL_ERROR_500": "An error has occurred on the server.", "LBL_ERROR_409": "Your account has been activated in this service. ", "LBL_ERROR_404": "No data has been found to activate the requested service." }, "USERS": { "LBL_NAME": "First Name", "LBL_LASTNAME": "Last Name", "LBL_PASSWORD": "Password", "LBL_REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat password", "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email address", "LBL_CREATE_USER": "Create new user", "LBL_NEW_USER": "New user" }, "PRODUCTS": { "LBL_HELLO": "Hello", "LBL_HELLO_MESSAGE": "Welcome to MDirector, your E-Marketing platform", "LBL_NEW_PRODUCTS_MESSAGE": "Do you want to know more about MDirector products?", "BTN_ENTER": "Enter", "BTN_ACTIVATE": "Activate", "BTN_INFO": "Request information", "LBL_STARTER_ACCOUNT": "Your current plan: Starter", "LBL_ADVANCED_ACCOUNT": "Your current plan: Advanced", "LBL_UPGRADE_ACCOUNT": "Upgrade your account now", "LBL_MONTH_EMAIL_USED": "This month you have used these Emails ", "LBL_MONTH_USED": "This month you have used: ", "LBL_EMAILS": "Emails.", "LBL_SMS_USED": "Out of your last recharge you have used these SMS*", "LBL_CREDITS_COUNTRY_CALCULATED": "(*) Balance calculated for SMS sent to ", "LBL_SMS_NOT_USED": "Discover the potential of SMS Marketing to increase the impact of your campaigns", "LBL_USED_N_OF_M": "of", "BTN_RECHARGE_EMAILS": "Recharge Emails", "BTN_RECHARGE_LANDINGS": "Recharge Landing", "BTN_RECHARGE_SMS": "Recharge SMS", "BTN_RECHARGE_MONEY": "Buy credit", "LBL_PRODUCTS": "Home", "LBL_HELP_CENTER": "Help", "LBL_HELP_CENTER_URL": "https://www.mdirector.com/en/mdirector-onboarding/", "LBL_HELP_LINK_MANUALS": "Manuals and Videos", "LBL_HELP_LINK_MANUALS_URL": "https://mdirector.zendesk.com/hc/en-us", "LBL_HELP_LINK_SUPPORT": "Support", "LBL_CHANGE_LANG": "Change language", "LBL_LOGOUT": "Logout", "CHOOSE_YOUR_LANGUAGE": "Select your language", "LBL_PREMIUM_TEXT": "Do you want to improve your Digital Marketing actions?", "LBL_CHOOSE_SUBACCOUNT": "Select a subaccount", "LBL_CHOOSE_AN_OPTION": "Choose an option", "LBL_THIS_LEFT_EMAILS": "You have left", "MDIRECTOR": { "ACCOUNT": "Account of", "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "Email and SMS Marketing", "LBL_SUB_DESCRIPTION": "Communicate, analyze and engage with the digital marketing platform that speaks your language.", "LBL_TEXT": "No need to worry about having a different tool for every marketing action! Email, SMS, Social Marketing in a single place.", "LBL_TEXT_2": "At your fingertips. Hassle free!", "BTN_ACTIVATE": "Create my first Email campaign", "PROPERTIES": { "ERROR": "We are sorry
We have not been able to recover the data from this service." }, "PRODUCT_NAME": "Email Marketing", "INFO": { "SUBTITLE": "Communicate, analyze and build loyalty using the digital marketing platform to send the latest information in a personal and targeted way.", "CHECK1": "Free predesigned templates", "CHECK2": "A/B Testing", "CHECK3": "Real time analysis and reporting", "CHECK4": "API data synchronization" } }, "LANDINGS": { "ACCOUNT": "Account of", "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "Landing Optimizer", "LBL_SUB_DESCRIPTION": "Create landing pages in just a few minutes!", "LBL_TEXT": "Optimize the way you attract new users and grow your conversions exponentially.", "DETAILS": { "LBL_OPTION_1": "A/B Testing", "LBL_OPTION_2": "Free Predesigned templates ", "LBL_OPTION_3": "Desktop and Mobile designs", "LBL_OPTION_4": "No Technical knowledge needed" }, "LBL_INFO_THANKS_HEAD": "Thank you for your interest in our product.", "LBL_INFO_THANKS_BODY": "Our support team will contact you soon to provide you with more info.", "LBL_TEXT_15_DAYS": "You have a 15 day free trail!", "BTN_ACTIVATE": "Create my first landing page", "LBL_VISITS": "Total Num. of visits in your pages", "PROPERTIES": { "ERROR": "We are sorry
We were not able to recover the data for this service" }, "PRODUCT_NAME": "Landing Optimizer", "LBL_FREE_VERSION": "Free trial version", "LBL_TRIAL_DAYS": "__days__ días trial days left", "LBL_PRINTS": "Impressions:", "INFO": { "SUBTITLE": "Create landing pages in minutes! Optimize the way you attract new customers and grow your conversions exponentially.", "CHECK1": "A/B Testing", "CHECK2": "Desktop and mobile designs", "CHECK3": "Free predesigned templates", "CHECK4": "No Technical knowledge needed", "TRY_15_DAYS": "You have 15 days of trial version!", "TRY_30_DAYS": "You have 30 days to try!" }, "LBL_TEXT_30_DAYS": "You have 30 days free to try us!" }, "RTB": { "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "CRM Retargeting", "LBL_SUB_DESCRIPTION": "Activate the Real Time Bidding service!", "BTN_ACTIVATE": "Create my first campaign", "LBL_TEXT": "Automatically add a cookie to each subscriber in your database and communicate with him/her while they are surfing the web, mobile and Facebook.", "DETAILS": { "LBL_OPTION_1": "Open a new communication channel with your database", "LBL_OPTION_2": "Make sure that your message reaches all of your clients", "LBL_OPTION_3": "Create Retargeting campaigns in Display or Facebook", "LBL_OPTION_4": "Improve your hits by differentiating between your registered and potential users." }, "PROPERTIES": { "ERROR": "We are sorry
We have not been able to recover the data for this service" }, "PRODUCT_NAME": "CRM Retargeting", "LBL_PRINTS": "Impressions:", "LBL_STATUS": "Your campaigns status", "LBL_ACTIVE_CAMPAIGNS": "Active campaigns", "LBL_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE": "If you wish to create a campaign you need a minimum balance of 10€", "INFO": { "SUBTITLE": "Activate the CRM Display Service! Automatically insert a cookie to each user of your database and reach them while they are surfing the web, mobile and Facebook.", "CHECK1": "Open a new communication channel with your contacts", "CHECK2": "Create Retargeting Campaigns in Display and Facebook", "CHECK3": "Make sure that your message reaches all your targets", "CHECK4": "Improve your hits by differentiating between your potential and current users" }, "LBL_INFO_THANKS_HEAD": "Thank you for your interest in our product", "LBL_INFO_THANKS_BODY": "Our team will contact you soon for further information" }, "TRANS": { "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "Transactional Email", "LBL_SUB_DESCRIPTION": "Send transactional Emails", "PRODUCT_NAME": "Transactional Email", "INFO": { "SUBTITLE": "Send your transactional emails using MDriector: invoices, account confirmations, password recovery, etc.", "CHECK1": "Improved deliverability. Are you ready to create your own Transactional Emails?", "SUBTITLE_STARTER": "This service is not available for Starter accounts.", "CHECK_STARTER": "Sign up for an Advanced or Premium plan to enjoy all the benefits of transactional emails 1 to 1 (invoices, confirmation emails, password resets…), which you can encode with API or SMTP using your own sender.", "MORE_INFO": " To know more ..." } }, "SMS": { "PRODUCT_NAME": "SMS Marketing", "LBL_NO_RECHARGES_1": "Recharge according your needs. Without obligation.", "LBL_NO_RECHARGES_2": " In a single payment. Expiration of 1 year from the time of purchase.", "INFO": { "CHECK1": "Recharge according to your needs", "LBL_RECHARGE": "Recharge according to your needs. Without obligation.
In a single payment. Expiration of 1 year from the time of purchase.", "SUBTITLE": "Communicate and build costumer loyalty sending SMS all over the world", "CHECK2": "In a single payment", "CHECK3": "Without obligation", "CHECK4": "Expiration of 1 year from the time of purchase." } }, "LOWBAR": { "OPENINGS": "% Openings", "CTR": "% CTR", "VISITS": " Visits", "CONVERSIONS": " Conv", "CONV_CTR": " % Conv", "PRINTS": "Impressions", "CLICKS": "Clicks", "CPC": "CPC", "DELIVERED": "Delivered", "FAILED": "Bounces", "OPENINGS_%": "% Openings" }, "DASHBOARD": { "TITLES": { "CONTACTS_NUMBER": "Size of your database", "BBDD_EVOLUTION": "Database Evolution", "BBDD_CONTACTS": "Contacts in Database", "QUALIFICATION": "Qualification", "CROSS_CHANNEL": "Cross-Channel Dashboard", "LAST_30_INFO": "Activity in the last 30 days", "COUNT_STATE": "State of my account", "EMAIL": "EMAIL:", "SMS": "SMS:", "COOKIES": "COOKIES:", "USERS": "users", "MY_PRODUCTS": "MY PRODUCTS", "BBDD_UNIQUE_CONTACTS": "Unique contacts in my Database", "BBDD_UNIQUE_CONTACTS_EXTEND": "Unique contacts in my Database", "KNOW_MORE_PRODUCTS": "Do you want to know more about MDirector products?", "EMAIL_SMS": "Emails and mobiles", "ENGAGEMENT": "Engagement", "QUALIFICATION_HELP": "Database qualification", "NEW": "NEW!" }, "LAST_7_DAYS": "Last 7 days", "LAST_30_DAYS": "Last 30 days", "NO_USERS": { "INFO_1": "We are unable give you the information at this time.", "INFO_2": "You have to create a campaign first", "CREATE_DELIVERY": "Create an email campaign" }, "NO_CONTACTS": { "TITLE": "We are unable to give you information about your database.", "TEXT": "Import your contacts now to have an overview of your database: nº. contacts, evolution of the last 7 and 30 days, qualification and improvement of your database, number of active and inactive users. This will help you understand the “Engagement” of your users.", "UPLOAD": "Import contacts" }, "ACTIVE_USERS": "Actives", "INACTIVE_USERS": "Inactives", "HELP": { "QUALIFICATION": "The contact data is used to enrich your database. In this graph you can see how many users in your DB have got email, a mobile number and cookies.", "ENGAGEMENT": "This graph shows you how many active and inactive users you have in your DB, which will help you to understand the engagement of your users with your brand. Inactives (Reputation -1 and 0) and Actives (Reputation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)." } }, "LBL_SMS": "SMS.", "LBL_SUBACCOUNTS": "Subaccounts", "DELIVERIES_NUMBER": "Nº of sent", "REAL_PLAN": "Your current plan:", "UPDATE_MONTHLY_PLAN": "Update plan", "PRODUCT_LEFT": "Left:", "DAILY_PRODUCT_LEFT": "Daily limit:", "PRODUCT_ACTUAL_MONEY": "Available balance in your wallet:", "PRODUCT_SPENT_MONTHLY": "This month you have spent:", "EMAIL_EXCESS_INVOICE": "Excess of emails (in units):", "LBL_EMAILS_INFO": "(valid for Email marketing and Transactional sending)", "VISITS": "Visits: ", "AUTOMATION": { "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "Marketing Automation", "LBL_SUB_DESCRIPTION": "Create specific series of messages", "PRODUCT_NAME": "Marketing Automation", "INFO": { "SUBTITLE": "What you need is to automate your campaigns! Create series of messages so that each user receives a specific communication at the right time, based on their previous engagement.", "CHECK1": "Editor with predesigned automatic scenarios.", "CHECK2": "Real-time reports of the routes of your contacts.", "CHECK3": "Unchain actions based on dates, events or behaviors.", "CHECK4": "Automate your campaigns on any channel very easily.", "SUBTITLE_NEW": "What you need is automation to boost your sales!", "EXPLANATION1": "We invite you to try our new tool with which you will have the opportunity to create series of specific messages through any of our communication channels and that can be activated by a date, an event or based on the behavior of the subscriber.", "EXPLANATION2": "During this time you can try our tool and give us your opinion, which will help us improve it.", "SUBTITLE_IF_ACTIVE": "Optimize your contact strategy with your customers through automated actions that allow you to have a more effective and personalized communication" }, "SUCCESS_BETA_MESSAGE": "We have correctly received your request to access the Beta phase of Marketing Automation.", "SUCCESS_BETA_MESSAGE_2": "Shortly we will contact you so you can access our new solution. Thank you!", "SUCCESS_AUTO_MESSAGE": "We have successfully received your request to access Marketing Automation.", "SUCCESS_AUTO_MESSAGE_2": "Shortly we will contact you so you can access this functionality and explain how it works. Thank you!" }, "BTN_ASK_ACCESS": "Request access", "SCENES_NUMBER": "N.º of active scenarios:", "BETA_VERSION": "Beta Version" }, "LEGAL": { "PRIVACY_URL": "//legal.mdirector.com/?site=mdirector&lang=en&type=privacy", "COOKIES_URL": "//legal.mdirector.com/?site=mdirector&lang=en&type=cookies", "TERMS_URL": "https://pmp.antevenio.com/mdirector/cps-mdirector-eng-es" }, "PRIVACY_GDPR": { "LBL_GDPR": "New privacy policy", "PARAM_1": "As you may know, the Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data has changed after the approval of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, “GDPR”).", "PARAM_2": "For MDirector, one of the main challenges we have assumed is to respond to the requirement, in the words of the Regulation, of being able to offer “appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the requirements of this Regulation are met” and to offer all the protections and safeguards to our Clients.", "PARAM_3": "At MDirector we have been taking care of the protection of personal data that we collect and treat for our clients for a long time. We have, from our own very start, a long trajectory of permanent commitment in the field of Privacy and Data Protection, for which we have always included specific means and resources.", "PARAM_4": "To address this new regulatory paradigm we have undertaken a series of actions, among which we highlight only some of them:", "PARAM_4_SUB_1": "We have increased the means and resources applied to improve the value contribution to our clients in this matter, through investments in technological security", "PARAM_4_SUB_2": "We have created a specific department of Privacy and we have designated a DPO.", "PARAM_4_SUB_3": "We have reinforced the requirements to all our partners and suppliers in the field of Data Protection and Security.", "ACCEPT_CONDITIONS": "Accept conditions", "PARAM_5": "So that we can offer these improvements and guarantees, as far as we are concerned, that the personal data we treat for you is duly protected, we ask you to accept the new GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE SERVICES INCLUDED IN THE MDIRECTOR SUITE, which will be applicable from May 25th, and we invite you to accept now.", "PARAM_6": "In any case, we are at your entire disposal for whatever you consider appropriate and for any matter that you consider relevant.", "PARAM_7": "Sincerely yours,", "PARAM_8": "MDirector Team." }, "FOOTER": { "LNK_PRIVACY": "Privacy policy", "LNK_COOKIES": "Cookies policy", "LNK_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "Conditions of service", "LBL_ALL_YOUR_MARKETING": "All your digital marketing digital in a single place", "LBL_ALL_RIGTHS_RESERVED": " © MDirector. All rights reserved", "LBL_ANTEVENIOS_COMPANY": "MDirector" }, "REMINDERS": { "USER_NOT_VALIDATED": { "TITLE": "Limited account:", "MESSAGE": "One of our agents is currently reviewing your account for activation. We will notify you by email when we complete the process.", "MESSAGELINKS": "If you have any questions or inquiries, contact us by sending an email to soporte@mdirector.com or through this form." }, "USER_NOT_BILLING_DATA": { "TITLE": "Limited account:", "MESSAGE": "Fill in your personal details to unlock all features. Go to My Account" } }, "CPS_AGREEMENTS": { "TITLE": "Service Provider Conditions", "URL_LINKS": "(open Service Provider Conditions in a new tab)", "ACCEPT_CONDITIONS": "I accept the Service Provider Conditions", "ACCEPT_CHECKBOX_ACTION": "I have read the Service Provider Conditions.", "ACCEPT_REQUIRED": "(required)", "ACCEPT_CONDITIONS_LATER": "Review later." }, "ACCEPT_CREDENTIALS": { "LBL_ACCEPT_CREDENTIALS": "Condiciones de uso del Site y el Servicio", "PARAM_1": "To access MDirector service you must accept the", "PARAM_2": "(that regulate aspects as, for example, the proper use of MDirector and its services, proper use of contents, use of credentials and obligations of confidentiality and safekeeping of them, data protection or intelectual property. If you have any question or corncern abount the Terms of use, you may contact us via the channels indicated in our site.", "LBL_TERMS_LINK": "Terms of use ", "ACCEPT_CONDITIONS": "I accept the Terms of Use. " }, "COMMONS": { "LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel", "LBL_CLOSE": "Close", "LBL_SAVE": "Save", "LBL_SEND": "Send", "LBL_OK": "Accept" } }, "FORM": { "VALIDATION": { "TXT_MANDATORY_FIELD": "You cannot leave this field blank", "TXT_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "It is not a valid email address. Please correct it and try again. ", "TXT_LEGAL_TERMS": "You must accept the legal terms", "TXT_DIGITS": "You can only enter numbers", "TXT_PHONE_NUMBER": "You have to enter 9 digits", "TXT_PASSWORD_IDENTICAL": "Passwords must be the same ", "TXT_COMPANY_EXIST": "This company name already exists.", "TXT_PASSWORD_LENGTH6": "- At least 6 characters", "TXT_PASSWORD_LENGTH8": "- At least 8 characters", "TXT_COMPANY_LENGTH": "This value must be less than 40 characters", "TXT_PASSWORD_CASE": "- Some upper and lower case", "TXT_PASSWORD_DIGITS": "- Some digit", "TXT_PASSWORD_SOULD_HAVE": "The password must contain:", "TXT_URL": "It is not a correct web address.", "TXT_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS": "- At least 1 special character " } }, "RESPONSE": { "EMAIL_EXIST": "This email address already exists. Please correct it and try again.", "CAPTCHA_ERROR": "The field of Captcha validation is not valid.
Please, try again.", "CAPTCHA_EMPTY": "You have to fill in the Captcha field control.", "ERROR_0": "An unexpected error has occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience." }, "ACCOUNTS": { "TITLE": "My MDirector account", "TABS": { "STATUS": "Account status", "ME": "My profile", "USERS": "Users", "COMPANIES": "Subaccounts", "INVOICE": "Billing", "SECURITY": "Security options" }, "USERS": { "LBL_NEW_USER": "Create new user", "LBL_USER_DETAIL": "Edit user", "LBL_USER_LIST": "My MDirector users", "LBL_USER_LIST_MSG": "These are MDirector users. From here you can create new ones, delete them, or modify them.", "LBL_USER_PROFILE": "This is the information that we have associated to your MDirector profile. You can update the information at any time", "PRODUCTS": "Define access permission for this user", "PRODUCTS_NEW_USER": "Define access permission for this new user", "LBL_SORRY": "We are sorry __userName__ , you have exceeded the number of users you can create in __serviceName__", "LBL_PLAN_LIMIT": "With your plan the limit is __limitMaxUsers__ users.", "LBL_SAVE": "Save", "LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel", "LBL_NAME": "First name", "LBL_LASTNAME": "Last name", "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email address", "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_LOGIN": "Email address to Login to the plataform.", "LBL_LANG": "Change language", "LBL_ACTIVE": "Active", "LBL_ACTIVE_YES": "Yes", "LBL_ACTIVE_NO": "No", "LBL_LOGIN": "User", "LBL_LIST_ME": "YOU", "LBL_LIST_USER": "User", "LBL_LIST_ROLE": "Role", "LBL_LIST_EMAIL": "Email", "LBL_LIST_NAME": "First name", "LBL_LIST_FIRSTNAME": "Last name", "LBL_ROLE": "Role", "LBL_CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current password", "LBL_NEW_PASSWORD": "New password", "LBL_REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat password", "MSG_OK": "The user was successfully saved ", "MSG_VALIDATION_ERR": "Please review the fields marked with an asterisk (*) and in red.", "DATATABLES": { "LBL_ADM_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector Administrator ", "LBL_ADM_MDIRECTOR_FREEMIUM": "MDirector Standard Freemium user ", "LBL_ANALYST_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector report analyst", "LBL_CPM_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector campaign manager", "LBL_CPU_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector campaign user", "LBL_DB_MDIRECTOR": "Subscribers manager", "LBL_REPORT_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector report user", "LBL_STD_MDIRECTOR": "MDirector standard user", "LBL_GCYC_MDIRECTOR": "Campaign and subscribers manager", "LBL_CPM_REPORT_MDIRECTOR": "Campaign and Report manager MDirector", "LBL_UC_MDIRECTOR": "Contact user", "LBL_NDC_MDIRECTOR": "User with no rights to delet contacts" }, "LBL_ERROR_403": "You do not have permission", "LBL_ERROR_406": "The user already exists", "LBL_ERROR_407": "Incorrect Password", "LBL_ERROR_408": "Incorrect Role", "LBL_EDIT_USER": "Edit", "LAST_LOGIN": "Last login: __lastLogin__", "LBL_BLOCKED": "Blocked due to incorrect access ", "LBL_LIST_LAST_LOGIN": "List of recent connections", "LBL_SERVICE": "Product", "LBL_IP": "Ip", "LBL_DATE": "Access", "LBL_USER_AGENT": "Device", "LBL_IS_VALID": "", "HELP_OK": "Valid login attempt", "HELP_KO": "Unsuccessful login attempt" }, "COMPANIES": { "LBL_NEW_COMPANY": "Create subaccount", "LBL_EDIT_COMPANY": "Edit", "LBL_CONFIRM_DELETE_COMPANY": "Are you sure you want to delete this subaccount? ", "LBL_DELETE_COMPANY": "Yes, delete subaccount", "LBL_TITLE": "MDirector subaccount", "LBL_SUBACCOUNTS": "subaccount.", "LBL_SUBTITLE": "These are the subaccounts you have created in MDirector", "LBL_SERVICE_1": "Email and SMS Marketing", "LBL_SERVICE_2": "Landing Optimizer", "LBL_SERVICE_3": "Transactional Email", "LBL_SERVICE_4": "API accounts", "LBL_SERVICE_5": "CRM Retargeting", "LBL_PLAN_LIMIT": "Your plan allows a maximum of __limitMaxUsers__ users.", "LBL_SORRY": "We are sorry __userName__ , you have exceeded the limit of subaccounts you can create in __serviceName__", "LBL_NOT_NOW_THANKS": "Not now, thank you", "LBL_GET_THE_MAX_SERVICES": "Get the most out of __serviceName__ and choose another plan!", "LBL_STATUS_SUBACCOUNT": "Subaccount status", "LBL_SUBDOMAIN_CONTACT": "If you wish to assign a custom domain or subdomain for the Email Marketing service of this sub account, please contact help@mdirector.net or your agent.", "LBL_SAVE": "Save", "LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel", "LBL_DELETE_OK": "The subaccount has been deleted", "LBL_DELETE_COMPANY_LIST": "Delete", "LBL_NAME": "Name", "LBL_EMAIL": "Email address", "LBL_PHONE": "Telephone", "LBL_FAX": "Fax", "LBL_ADDRESS": "Address", "LBL_ZIP_CODE": "Zip code", "LBL_CITY": "City", "LBL_PROVINCE": "State", "LBL_COUNTRY": "Country", "MSG_OK": "The subaccount has been saved correctly.", "MSG_CREATED_OK": "The subaccount has been successfully created.
This subaccount doesn't have any assigned users; you can add them from the list of users.
The sender settings, reply email, and tracking URL have been duplicated from the oldest subaccount within this account. If you wish to make any changes, you can access the following address: preferences or contact us at soporte@mdirector.com.", "LBL_SECTOR": "Sector", "LBL_ZONE": "Time zone", "LBL_ACTIVATE_SERVICE": "Activated", "LBL_DESACTIVATE_SERVICE": "Deactivated", "LBL_ERROR": "The subaccount could not be created properly.", "LBL_ERROR_0": "The data is not correct.", "LBL_ERROR_409": "(!) It is not a correct web address.", "MSG_VALIDATION_ERR": "Please, check the fields highlighted in red.", "LBL_REQUIRED_FIELDS": "The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory", "LBL_SERVICE_6": "Marketing Automation", "LBL_WEB": "Web", "LBL_ERROR_500": "(!) Se ha producido un error en el servidor.", "LBL_SHOW_NO_ACTIVE": "Show inactive" }, "STATUS": { "LBL_OF": "of", "COMPANIES_PROGRESS_BAR": "Subaccounts", "USERS_PROGRESS_BAR": "Users", "LBL_MDIRECTOR": "Email and SMS Marketing", "LBL_LANDINGS": "Landing Optimizer", "LBL_RTB": "CRM Retargeting", "LBL_TRANS": "Transactional Email", "LBL_CREATED_AT": "Created on", "NO_SERVICES": "At the moment your account does not have any active products. You can try to activate them by editing some of your Subaccounts.", "LBL_EXPAND_ACCOUNT": "Contact your sales representative if you want to upgrade your account.", "LBL_MODAL_EXPAND_ACCOUNT": "You can also contact our sales team", "TXT_SERVICE_PLANNER_CONTACT": "You can do so by email", "LBL_CONTACT_SUPPORT_EMAIL": "help@mdirector.net", "TXT_SERVICE_PLANNER_CONTACT2": "or by phone", "LBL_CONTACT_MD_N_PHONE": "+34 91 414 91 94", "MDIRECTOR": { "LBL_ACCESS": "Access Email and SMS Marketing", "NO_SERVICE": "At the moment the service of Email and SMS Marketing is not active in your account. You can try to activate it by editing some of your Subaccounts.", "LBL_YOUR_ACCOUNT": "Your current account", "LBL_STANDARD": "Premium", "LBL_FREEMIUM": "Starter", "LBL_PREMIUM": "Premium", "LBL_ADVANCED": "Advanced", "LBL_SELFSERVICE": "Selfservice", "LBL_FULLSERVICE": "Fullservice", "LBL_NUM_CONTACTS": "Subscribers", "LBL_EMAIL_SENDINGS": "Email campagins", "BTN_RECHARGE_EMAILS": "Recharge Emails", "LBL_SMS_SENDINGS": "SMS Campaigns", "LBL_REMAINING_SMS_1": "Your have left", "LBL_REMAINING_SMS_2": "SMS for sending to", "BTN_RECHARGE_SMS": "Recharge SMS", "BTN_RECHARGE_BALANCE": "Buy credits", "LBL_MY_RECHARGES": "My credit balance", "LBL_SUMMARY": "Campaigns summary", "LBL_TRANSFER": "Transfer Credit balance", "BALANCE": { "MANAGE": "Manage the balance of your subaccounts", "BONO": "Pass:", "LIMIT": "Monthly limit", "SUBACCOUNT": "Subaccount", "LIMIT_PER_MONTH": "Monthly sending limit", "CONSUMED_EMAILS": "Monthly emails used", "ITEM_TRANSFER": "Assigned credit balance", "EMAIL_TRANSFER": "Email: assigned credit balance", "SMS_TRANSFER": "SMS: assigned credit balance", "HELP": "Manage Subaccount Balance
As administrator of the sub accounts group, with this module you will be able to:
1 - Transfer Email credits to any sub account.
2- Transfer SMS credits from your general balance to any sub account.
If you need further information visit our Support Center.", "MODAL": { "TITLE": "Transfer balance to a subaccount", "ORIGEN": "ORIGIN", "DESTINATION": "DESTINATION", "SUBACCOUNT_FOR_DESTINATION": "(subaccount you want to trasfer your balance to)", "SELECT": "Select a subaccount", "WHAT": "What do you need to transfer?", "EMAIL": "Email balance", "SMS": "SMS balance", "SEND_SMS": "SMS to send to", "HOW_MUCH": "How much do you want to transfer?", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "SELECT_ITEM": "Please, select a subbaccount.", "TRANSFER_NO_EMPTY": "Please enter how much you want to transfer", "MUST_BE_FLOAT": "Please enter an integer", "MUST_BE_GREATHER_THAN_ZERO": "The value must be greater than 0", "TOO_HIGH": "The value can't be greater than the balance available" }, "RESUME": { "TEXT": "This is the transfer data, if they are correct press \"Confirm transfer\"", "TRANSFER": "Resume transfer:", "SUB_TOTAL": "Total", "CONFIRM": "Confirm transfer", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "TO_COUNTRY": "to __country__", "LBL_SMS": "SMS", "LBL_EMAILS": "Emails", "LBL_LEFT_EMAILS": "Left in your balance", "LBL_LEFT_SMS": "Left" }, "RESULT": { "ACCEPT": "Accept" }, "ERROR": "An error has occurred during the transfer. Please try again.", "SUCCESS": "Your transfer has been completed successfully.", "EXCESS": "Watch out! You are close to your monthly limit.", "EXCESS_TOOLTIP": "Remember that if you exceed your monthly limit, excess emails will be charged at the price established in the “My rate” section. To avoid being charged for an overage, we recommend that you check your available balance frequently in “My MDirector Account“ or purchase an email voucher to increase your available balance." } }, "LANDINGS": { "LBL_ACCESS": "Access Landing Optimizer", "NO_SERVICE": "Currently the service of Landing Optimizer is not active in your account. You can try to activate them by editing some of your Subaccounts.", "LBL_YOUR_PLAN": "Your current plan", "LBL_FREEMIUM": "Free trial version", "DAYS_TO_EXPIRATION_1": "You have left", "DAYS_TO_EXPIRATION_2": "days left until the end of the trial period", "DAYS_TO_EXPIRATION_3": "Upgrade your plan now", "UPDATE_PLAN": "Update account.", "COMPARE_PLAN": "Compare with other plans.", "LBL_NUM_VISITS": "Visits", "LBL_NUM_VISITS_PROGRESS": "Total No. of page visits", "LBL_NUM_DOMAINS": "Domains", "LBL_NUM_DOMAINS_PROGRESS": "No. of configured domains", "LBL_STARTER": "Starter", "LBL_ADVANCED": "Advanced", "LBL_PREMIUM": "Premium" }, "RTB": { "LBL_ACCESS": "Enter in CRM Retargeting", "LBL_YOUR_PLAN": "Your current plan", "LBL_YOUR_PLAN_PREMIUM": "Your current plan: Premium", "LBL_SUMMARY": "Folders list ", "LBL_BALANCE": "Balance", "LBL_RTB_WALLET": "CRM Retargeting wallet", "LBL_RTB_BALANCE": "Your current plan:", "LBL_WALLET": "Available balance in your wallet: ", "LBL_WALLET_FULL": "This month you have spent: ", "LBL_WALLET_EMPTY": "To be able to create a campaign your balance must be greater than 10 __currency__", "LBL_STATUS": "Campaign status", "STATUS": { "ACTIVE": "Active", "PENDING": "Pending", "PAUSE": "Paused" } }, "CONTACTS_PROGRESS_BAR": "Contacts", "TRANS": { "LBL_YOUR_ACCOUNT": "Your account", "COMPARE_PLAN": "Update account", "LBL_ACCESS": "Enter Transactional Email", "BTN_RECHARGE_EMAIL": "Recharge email balance", "LBL_EMAILS_LEFT": "Left: __emailsLeft__ Emails.", "LBL_SMS_LEFT": "Left: __smsLeft__ SMS.", "LBL_VALIDITY": " Valid for both Email Marketing and Transactionals", "LBL_ENOUGH_BALANCE": "Insufficient balance?" }, "LBL_AUTOMATION": "Marketing Automation" } }, "INTEGRATIONS": { "TITLE": "Integrations", "ZAPIER": { "NOTICE": "In order to integrate Zapier successfully, make sure you have access to the MDirector API.", "LBL_API_LINK": "Check here", "TITLE_API_LINK": "User preferences" }, "SHOPIFY": { "STORE_ID": "Store ID", "ACCESS_TOKEN": "Access Token", "LIST_ID": "List ID", "API_SECRET": "Api Secret", "LBL_CONNECT": "Connect", "LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel", "MSG_OK": "Your Shopify account has been successfully synchronized.", "DOCUMENTATION": "You can consult the documentation to connect your Shopify store with MDirector from here", "STATUS_TEXT": "Date of your last connection (__date__).
Status: (__status__)", "STATUS_ACTIVE": "Active", "STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE": "Not Active", "LBL_DISCONNECT": "Disconnect", "LBL_FORCE_SYNC": "Force Sync", "MSG_OK_DISCONNECT": "Your Shopify account has been successfully disconnected.", "MSG_OK_SYNC": "Your Shopify account has been synced with MDirector" }, "API_TOKENS": { "SIDEBAR": { "TITLE": "Personal API Credentials", "SUBTITLE": "You can generate a personal API credential for each application you use that needs access to MDirector API.", "DESCRIPTION": "You can generate as many credentials as you need, which Will be valid until their expiration date." }, "FORM": { "TITLE": "Add a personal API credential", "SUBTITLE": "Enter the name of your needed credential, and we'll return a unique personal one.", "SERVICE_SCOPE_1": "MDirector API", "SERVICE_SCOPE_2": "Transactional API", "API_TOKEN_NAME_LBL": "Token Name", "API_TOKEN_NAME_HELP_TEXT": "For example, the application using the token or the purpose of the token. Do not give sensitive information for the name of the token, as it will be visible to all group members.", "API_TOKEN_SERVICE_LBL": "Service scope", "API_TOKEN_SERVICE_SELECT_DEFAULT": "Select a service", "API_TOKEN_SERVICE_HELP_TEXT": "The scope of the service sets the permission levels given to the credential.", "BTN_GENERATE": "Create credential", "ERROR_UNEXPECTED": "Unexpected error. Please, try again later." }, "TABLE": { "TITLE": "Active API credentials tokens", "DESCRIPTION": "Here you can see all your active API credentials tokens.", "USERNAME": "Username", "NAME": "Name of the credential", "SCOPE": "Service scope", "CREATED": "Created", "EXPIRES": "Expires", "ACTIONS": "Actions", "BTN_REMOVE": "Revoke", "CANNOT_REMOVE": "You cannot remove this token", "NO_DATA": "No API credentials tokens found", "UNKNOWN": "Unknown" }, "MODAL": { "REVOKE": { "TITLE": "REVOKE CREDENTIAL TOKEN", "DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to revoke this personal access token? This action cannot be undone.", "BTN_CANCEL": "Cancel", "BTN_REVOKE": "Revoke" }, "SAVE": { "TITLE": "API CREDENTIALS CREATED", "DESCRIPTION": "Your personal API credentials has been created successfully.", "WARNING": "Please, copy the password and save it in a safe place. You will not be able to see it again.", "BODY": { "USERNAME": "Username:", "API_TOKEN": "Your new personal API credentials password:", "WARNING": "Make sure you save it - you won't be able to access it again.", "REVEAL": "Click to reveal", "COPY": "Copy", "COPIED": "Copied!", "COPY_ALT": "Copy credentials password" }, "BTN_COPY": "Copy", "BTN_CLOSE": "Close" } } } }, "PAYMENTS": { "YOUR_PLAN": "Your current plan", "YOUR_WALLET": "Your wallet", "UPDATE_ACCOUNT": "Update your plan", "SELECT_YOUR_PLAN": "Select the best plan for your campaign needs:", "SELECT_YOUR_PLAN_LANDINGS": "Select your new monthly plan", "SELECT_PLAN_TO_UPDATE": "You have chosen to upgrade your account to the following plan", "CONTACT_TEXT": "Please contact your sales representative if you need more info", "CONTACT_EMAIL": "You can do it via email", "CONTACT_PHONE": "or by phone", "UPDATE_PERSONAL_PLAN": "Do you need a customized plan?", "UPDATE_PERSONAL_PLAN_INFO": "Do you need a customized offer?", "MONTH": "month", "YEAR": "year", "LBL_UNIQUE": "single payment", "PLAN_PREMIUM_MORE_INFO": "Request proposal", "PLAN_FOR_ONLY": "For only", "TOTAL": "TOTAL", "TAXES_INCLUDED": "(taxes included)", "TAXES_INCL": "(taxes incl.)", "LBL_CONTACTS": "Up to __contacts__ subscribers", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "SELECT_YOUR_METHOD": "Select your payment method", "METHOD_BACK_LINK": "<< Go back to Plans and prices", "METHOD_TEXT_CONTINUE": "If it´s correct, select a payment method and click “Continue”", "MENSUAL_PLANS": "Monthly Plans", "MENSUAL_PLANS_TEXT_1": "Do you send the same amount of campaigns every month? Enjoy all benefits of a monthly plan. The payments will be taken automatically each month but don’t worry there´s no commitment to stay. You can cancel at any time.", "SELECT": "Select", "PLAN_PREMIUM": "PREMIUM", "CONTACT_US": "Contact us", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE": "Congratulations, the payment has been processed successfully.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE2": "You will receive email confirming your change of plan.", "ERROR_RESPONSE": "There was a problem. It was not possible to recharge.", "AFTER_STATUS": "What do you want to do now? We suggest:", "AFTER_STATUS_GO_TO_PRODUCTS": "See my product Status", "PLAN_PREMIUM_TEXT_1": "Recommended from 50.000 monthly Emails", "PLAN_PREMIUM_TEXT_2": "All the benefits of Advanced plan plus:", "BONUS_PREPAID": "Prepaid voucher", "BONUS_PREPAID_TEXT_1": "Do you do send campaigns on an irregular basis during the year? Buy a pack anytime you need, in one easy payment, with no need to contract a monthly plan and with the all same benefits. It´s valid for 1 year.", "LBL_CREATE_NEW_EMAIL_DELIVERY": "Create an EMAIL campagin", "LBL_CREATE_NEW_SMS_DELIVERY": "Create an SMS campaign", "LBL_GO_TO_MY_RECHARGES": "Go to My recharge balance", "LBL_GO_TO_LANDING_OPTIMIZER": "Go to Landing Optimizer", "LBL_GO_TO_PRODUCTS_PAGE": "Go to MDirector products page", "CONTACT": { "PHONE": "+34 91 414 91 94", "EMAIL": "help@mdirector.net" }, "LANDINGS": { "PLANS_AND_PRICES": "Plans and prices", "LANDING_OPTIMIZER": "Landing Optimizer", "EXPIRED_PLAN": "your trial version has expired", "UPDATE_AND_GROW": "Upgrade your account and grow!", "SELECT": "Select", "MONTH": "month", "DOMAIN": "domain", "DOMAINS": "domains", "VISITS": "visits", "USER": "user", "USERS": "users", "SELECT_YOUR_METHOD": "Select a payment method", "SUBACCOUNTS": "subaccount", "SUBACCOUNT": "subaccounts", "TOTAL": "TOTAL", "METHOD_BACK_LINK": "<< Back to Plans and prices", "YOUR_NEW_PLAN": "Your new plan", "TAX_INCLED": "(taxes included)", "PAYPAL_PAYMENT": "Pay with PayPal", "SELECTED_PLAN": "You have chosen to update your account with the following plan", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "CONNECTION_NOT_AVAILABLE": "It has not been possible to establish the connection", "METHOD_TEXT_CONTINUE": "If it´s correct, please select a payment method and click “Continue”", "ERROR_RESPONSE1": ":-( Oh, it seems that the payment could not be processed properly.", "ERROR_RESPONSE2": "There may be an error with the payment gateway.", "ERROR_RESPONSE3": "If you want you can contact us anytime at help@mdirector.net, and we will be happy to help.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE1": "Congratulations, the payment has been made correctly", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE2": "You will receive an email with the confirmation of your purchase.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE3": "Thank you for trusting MDirector!", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST1": "What do you want to do now?", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST2": "See my products Status", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST3": "Go to Landings Optimizer", "TXT_REDIRECT_RECHARGE_SUCCESS": "In a few moments you will be redirected to the payment method that you have selected. Thank you very much." }, "RTB": { "RECHARGE_MONEY": "Buy credit", "RTB_INFO": "To activate your campaign, you need to have funds in your account. Buy credits now!", "RTB_MDIRECTOR": "CRM Retargeting", "RTB_OPTIMIZER": "CRM Retargeting", "EXPIRED_PLAN": "your trial version has expired.", "SELECT_YOUR_PLAN_RTB": "Select the amount to recharge ", "UPDATE_AND_GROW": "Update your account and grow!", "SELECT": "Select", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "MONTH": "month", "DOMAIN": "domain", "DOMAINS": "domains", "VISITS": "visits", "USER": "user", "USERS": "users", "SELECT_YOUR_METHOD": "Select a payment method", "SUBACCOUNTS": "subaccounts", "SUBACCOUNT": "subaccount", "TOTAL": "TOTAL", "METHOD_BACK_LINK": "<< Go back to Credit list", "TAX_INCLUDED": "(taxes included)", "RTB_WALLET": "CRM Retargeting wallet", "YOUR_WALLET_HELP": "Before you create and activate your campaign you need to buy credits. We will create a CRM Retargeting wallet from which the cost of the campaigns will be deducted. Don´t worry, as the balance is used we will notify you when to recharge it.", "PAYPAL_PAYMENT": "Pay with PayPal", "SELECTED_PLAN": "You have selected the following type of recharge:", "CONNECTION_NOT_AVAILABLE": "It has not been possible to establish a connection", "METHOD_TEXT_CONTINUE": "If it´s correct, please select a payment method and click “Continue”", "ERROR_RESPONSE1": ":-( Oh, it seems that the payment could not be processed properly.", "ERROR_RESPONSE2": "There may be an error with the payment gateway.", "ERROR_RESPONSE3": "If you want you can contact us anytime at help@mdirector.net, and we will be happy to help.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE1": " :-) Congratulations, the payment has been made correctly.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE1_1": "We have added the amount to your CRM Retargeting wallet and you now have available funds to create your CRM Retargeting campaigns. ", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE2": "You will receive an confirmation email of your purchase.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE3": "Thank you for trusting CRM Retargeting MDirector!", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST1": "What do you want to do now?", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST2": "See my product status", "AFTER_STATUS_TEST3": "Go to CRM Retargeting", "TXT_REDIRECT_RECHARGE_SUCCESS": "In a few moments you will be redirected to the payment system that you have selected. Thank you very much. " }, "MDIRECTOR": { "PLANS_AND_PRICES": "Plans and prices", "UPDATE_AND_GROW": "Update your account and grow!", "PREMIUM_INFO_REQUEST_OK": "We have received your info request, we will contact you soon!", "PREMIUM_INFO_REQUEST_KO": "We have not received your request, please try again later.", "MENSUAL_PLAN": "(Monthly plan: __quantity__ emails/month)", "BONUS_PLAN": "(Prepaid voucher: __quantity__ emails)", "LBL_GO_SERVICE": "Go to Email and SMS Marketing", "ERROR_RESPONSE1": ":-( Oh, it seems that the payment could not be processed properly. ", "ERROR_RESPONSE2": "There may be an error with the payment gateway", "ERROR_RESPONSE3": "If you wish, you can access your MDirector account and check for the possible cause of the error at My balance credits or contact us at help@mdirector.net, we will be happy to help.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE1": "Congratulations, the payment has been processed successfully.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE2": "You will receive an email confirming your purchase.", "SUCCESS_RESPONSE3": "Thank you for trusting MDirector!", "NO_ADVERTISING": "(no MDirector advertising)", "NO_FOOTER": { "LBL_GET_THIS_COMPLEMENT": "Get this complement to your free starter Email and SMS Marketing plan", "LBL_WANTS_DELETE_ADVERTISING": "Do you want to remove MDirector advertising?", "LBL_NOFOOTER_TEXT1": "For only __price__ __currency__ per month or for a single annual payment, we will remove the MDirector logo from the footer of your campaigns for 1 year.", "LBL_NOFOOTER_OPT1": "Enjoy all the benefits of your free Starter plan without MDirector advertising.", "LBL_NOFOOTER_TITLE": "Campaigns
without MDirector advertising", "LBL_RETURN_TO_DELIVERY": "Go back to the shipping configuration" }, "PLAN_STARTER": { "OPT_1": "With MDirector advertising", "OPT_2": "5.000 free monthly campaigns", "OPT_3": "Credit balance", "OPT_4": "Up to 5.000 subscribers", "OPT_5": "Support via email", "OPT_6": "A single user" }, "PLAN_ADVANCED": { "OPT_1": "Without MDirector advertising", "OPT_2": "Access for 3 users", "OPT_3": "Access to API", "OPT_4": "Top-up Credits", "OPT_5": "Support via Email", "OPT_6": "Credit balance", "OPT_7": "5.000 free monthly campaigns that will be added to your plan or bonus", "HELP_API_TITLE": "What is API?", "HELP_API_TEXT": "API (Application Program Interface) is a programming tool that allows different applications to communicate with each other to transmit data. You can schedule calls to the API of MDirector to load information from your database or CRM system and to receive data from the campaigns.", "HELP_API_TEXT_URL": "Do you want to know more?", "OPT_8": "Transactional Emails & SMS", "OPT_9": "Dynamic content", "OPT_10": "Template self-management" }, "PLAN_PREMIUM": { "OPT_1": "Support via telephone", "OPT_2": "Subaccounts", "OPT_3": "Pixel of conversion", "OPT_4": "Access with different Roles", "OPT_5": "Custom sender", "OPT_6": "Transactional Emails & SMS" }, "CUSTOMIZED": "(with personalized sender and tracking for your Email Campaigns)", "YEAR": " / year", "CUSTOMIZED_FROM": { "LBL_GET_THIS_COMPLEMENT": "Get this added service to your Starter o Advanced Email plan. ", "LBL_WANTS_DELETE_ADVERTISING": "Would you like to personalize the sender with your own company domain? ", "LBL_CUSTOMIZEDFROM_TEXT1": "Just for __price__ __currency__ per month and in one yearly payment you will be able to personalize the sender for your email campaigns.", "LBL_CUSTOMIZEDFROM_OPT1": "Enjoy all the advantages of your Starter or Advanced plan and create a sender with a personalized domain or subdomain that identifies your company, for example contact@your_company.com o info@news.your_company.com.", "LBL_CUSTOMIZEDFROM_OPT2": "Optionally you will be able to set up a subdomain to mask and track the links inside your campaigns, identifying your brand in the same way as the sender. ", "LBL_CUSTOMIZEDFROM_TITLE": "Campaigns
with a personalized sender ", "LBL_RETURN_TO_DELIVERY": "Back to campaign settings ", "LBL_CUSTOMIZEDFROM_OPT3": "Enjoy all the advantages of your Starter or Advanced plan and create a sender with a personalized domain or subdomain that identifies your company. " } }, "METHOD_PAYPAL": "PayPal", "METHOD_CREDIT_CARD": "Credit card", "LBL_PAYPAL_BUTTON": "Pay with PayPal", "LBL_TPV_BUTTON": "Pay with credit card", "LBL_RECHARGES_SELECT_PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR": "Select your payment method", "UNAUTHORIZED_USER_NOT_ACTIVED": "Oops! Your account has not been validated yet, and you may not top up your credit. Reach out to us by email to info@mdirector.com or use the chat box you will find in the lower part of your screen so that we prioritize the validation of your account! :D" }, "INVOICE": { "LBL_INVOICE": "Billing info", "LBL_HELLO": "Hello", "LBL_TEXT": "To bill you correctly for your last recharge and generate a full invoice, we need to confirm some data. It will only take a few minutes.", "BTN_ACCEPT": "Accept", "LBL_ACCOUNT": "Account:", "LBL_INVOICE_TEXT": "This is the physical data that we will use to issue your invoices.", "LBL_SUBMENU_1": "Billing info", "LBL_SUBMENU_2": "Payment history", "LBL_REQUIRED_FIELDS": "The data fields marked with (*) are mandatory.", "LBL_NAME": "First Name", "LBL_LASTNAME": "Last name", "LBL_COUNTRY": "Country", "LBL_PROVINCE": "State", "LBL_ADDRESS": "Billing address", "LBL_CITY": "City", "LBL_POSTALCODE": "Zip code", "LBL_COMPANYNAME": "Company name", "LBL_CIFNIF": "Company Tax ID", "MSG_FORM_OK": "The billing data has been saved successfully.", "MSG_FORM_KO": "There has been an error with the form. " }, "SECURITY": { "LBL_ACCOUNT": "Account: ", "LBL_SUBMENU_1": "Security options", "LBL_SECURITY_TEXT": "This is the data for security settings. ", "LBL_ACTIVEONETIMEPASSWORD": "2 Step Access (Two-factor authentication )", "LBL_ACTIVEONETIMEPASSWORD_USER": "Use default settings at an account level", "LBL_ACTIVELOGINATTEMPTSLIMIT": "Activate access blocking when attemps exceed a limited number", "LBL_LOGINATTEMPTSLIMIT": "Limit number of incorrect attemps ", "LBL_LOGINATTEMPTSLIMITEXPIRATIONBYMINUTES": "Máximum time of consecutive attemps (minutes)", "LBL_ACTIVERESETPASSWORDLIMITEXPIRATIONBYDAYS": "Activate password expiration ", "LBL_RESETPASSWORDLIMITEXPIRATIONBYDAYS": "Time to request password change (days)", "MSG_FORM_OK": "Security settings have been saved properly. ", "MSG_FORM_KO": "An error on the form has occurred. ", "HELP_1": "On every access to the platform, the user receives a one time password that lasts 30 minutes and is used in a second form.", "HELP_2": "You can set up the maximum number of attemps by indicating it in the \"Limit\" field. If those attemps are all used during the time indicated in field \"Maximum time\", the user that fails the attempt is blocked until a user with an Admin role unblocks the user in the \"Users\" menu. ", "HELP_3": "Activating this option, all users of the account will have to renew their password once the stipulated number of days have passed." }, "SECTORS": { "OPT_AGENCIES": "Agencies", "OPT_FINANCES": "Banks and insurances", "OPT_TURISM": "Tourism", "OPT_ECOMMERCE": "E-commerce", "OPT_LEARNING": "Learning", "OPT_DISTRIBUTION": "Distribution", "OPT_B2B": "B2B", "OPT_COUPONS": "Coupons", "OPT_B2C": "B2C services " } }